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Pandemic, Health Outbreak
and Internet  Censorship

Coronavirus, a global health crisis, and the complex issue of internet censorship. These are not just headlines, but crucial topics that demand our attention and understanding.

*A discussion with the master in philosophy and executive Anna Kazakova.

Consider these thought-provoking topics
-Exploring the limits of freedom of speech about public health
-Assessing the internet's role in spreading misinformation
-Understanding the impact of online communication on citizens during the Coronavirus pandemic

How to Use the Complex Interactions of AI, Humans and ICT to Lead Strategies in Communication

in 48 Sec of Reading!

SHOT: In our data-driven world, understanding the complex interactions between AI, humans, and ICT is crucial.


Network science provides a powerful tool for these systems. We can better strategise business communication by studying social networks and the Internet.


This is essential for effective Leadership in complex systems where people, AI, and ICT interact in organizational dynamics. The goal is to make better-informed decisions

By Wanice Alfes, M.Sc.
Cyberpsychology of Communication 
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As Andrea Baronchelli states in his study at the Biological and Sociotechnical Systems Modeling Laboratory at Northeastern University, Network Science aims to understand fast-evolving complex systems. Now, let´s place leadership challenges in complex systems: the goal is to understand Network Science Principles to better strategize upon the new "node interactions". In this case, nodes are people, AI, and ICT in their organizational dynamics.


 1 - Team Collaboration through AI and ICT Tools

Improve communication and collaboration across geographic and functional boundaries.


"Setting up better team collaboration tools" came in second place when Australasia was questioned about what aspects of its technology environment the company has identified as a priority for improving resilience in future crises."  Infoxchange. (2022, November). Advanced IT Industry in Australasia (24 pg).



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  • Nielsen Sports. (o.D.). Bericht zur Generation Z. Abgerufen [fügen Sie das Datum ein, an dem Sie auf den Bericht zugegriffen haben], von

  • Sánchez-Hernández, MI; González-López, Ó.R.; Buenadicha-Mateos, M.; Tato-Jiménez, JL Work-Life-Balance in großen Unternehmen und offene Fragen zur Einbindung neuer Generationen am Arbeitsplatz. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019,16, 5122.

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Leadership in the AI-Era

Leadership in the AI era requires a deep understanding of integrating technology with new human behaviors and societal change.

Cyberpsychology to Thrive in AI-Trust, UX, and Business Communication.


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